City of GOD is a movie based on a place called Cidade de deus in the interior parts of Brazil.It involves the harsh realities of the slum world such as drug rackets, gang war and violence. The movie is mainly based on two characters Rocket and Li'l Dice.During 60’s Tender Trio used to rule City of GOD, Li’l Dice joins them. Li’l dice was very ambitious, and step by step tender trio got eliminated and Li’l Dice become the biggest gangster.Benny is the best friend of Li’l Dice and they both become the Drug lords of the town.

This film is a must watch one but for those who hate violence then this is not the film you are searching for.This film is the English version of the tamil movie 'Pudupettai' and 'Pattiyal'.Some scenes in the movie made me think"Is this really happened"?,"Are these really happening in this world"?.The narrator of this movie hails from Citade de deus.Thanks for him for bringing out such a raw,action packed and a harsh film.
Well to have a glimpse of this film,check out the trailer of this film.
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